What is the UZulu Collection and what type of material is housed there?

The UZULU Collection contains art, culture, heritage, history, indigenous crafts and knowledge, fauna, and flora of the KwaZulu-Natal Province with specific emphasis on the upper North Coast and Northern regions, including the area known as Zululand. The section is concerned with the identification, allocation, preservation, restoration, and Library and Information Services digitization of valuable materials and information with local content which will be of value to the teaching learning, and research programs of the University of Zululand.

The collection is available to bona fide users of the University of Zululand. Private researchers are welcome to make use of the collection, with prior approval. All UZULU collection information resources may not be loaned out and may only be used in the provided study area in the UZULU Collection. Photocopies or prints can be made on request only. Print Thesis and Dissertation is housed in the UZulu collection.


  • Last Updated Aug 25, 2023
  • Views 13
  • Answered By Mlungisi Thusi

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